Melanin Click


Proof of Work
Price to Energy Index

$54311 680 Ehs
$0.0009 20 Khs

Deploy Your Standalone Bitcoin or Whive Node & Miner with Click Today

Dive into the realm of cryptocurrencies seamlessly with Melanin Click Trustware, your all-in-one Bitcoin, Lightning and Whive assistant, is designed to run smoothly across Mac OS, Windows OS, and Linux OS, ensuring a universal, user-friendly experience for Web³ Enthusiats interested in driving the adoption of Distributed Energy applications globally.

Melanin Click Trustware

Download the dedicated executable for your Operating System using the links below:


Key Features

  • Install Interface:

Provides options to install Bitcoin and Whive Wallets and Nodes; with system storage checks for both.

  • Run Software:

Buttons to execute Bitcoin or Whive Wallets and Nodes are activated post-installation.

  • Activity Log:

Real-time log of software activities, like installation and execution steps for Troubleshooting and Audits.

  • User Guides:

User Guides are available for how to setup both Bitcoin and Whive Wallets, Nodes, and Miners.

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